Uncovering Facebook & Updates

Well,  few key things:

1. Videos are taking the front seat and you’ll notice viewing videos on your mobile, you’re introduced to a whole stream of related videos. Videos are also automatically playing on mute and is visually enticing for you to spend a few split seconds more to engage with the post.

2. Facebook will be rolling out video ads real soon in our Asia Pacific region

3. In place of the dislike button you have a whole string of emoticons you can select to react to your newsfeed article.

4. Now you get to pick which preview image goes on links of posts you share

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Still trying to figure out the ever changing newsfeed algorithm, this video goes a good job of explaining how it works and makes you wonder what’s next in this social content network moving forward to stay relevant.

And another interesting case study on Facebook fraud – the advertising dollars you’re spending isn’t as targeted as you think either and unfortunately, no better than click farm ‘likes’ where it’s bought en mass. Interesting case study on the breakdown of the sponsored posts – the results are the same as if you went to the click farm likes.

Juliana Loh

Juliana is a freelance marketing communications strategist with more than a decade of experience in the field of advertising, journalism and luxury hospitality, with a focus on China and the Asia Pacific region.

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