28 Oct Leica x Swire Hotels Photography
One of my favourite projects and creative commissions during my time with Swire Hotels. Leica Asia Pacific gave me three cameras for prizes for the photography contest I ran and each of the four commissioned young photographers got on loan a Leica camera of their choice for a month. I saw through the project from its inception, finding sponsorship, setting up the contests, production and organising the exhibition across two cities Beijing and Hong Kong with the help of my very kind colleagues on the team in Beijing and Hong Kong.
Here’s the press release I wrote to introduce the project:
Following the initiatives of working with local creative talent, Swire Hotels’ House Collection: The Opposite House, Beijing and The Upper House Hong Kong have collaborated with Leica camera, commissioning four local photographers, two from each of the respective cities to photograph the properties with the themes of “Beijing opposites” and “Hong Kong views from the top”, using a Leica camera of their choice.
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
Madi Ju shot with the LEICA MP/ 35mm f2.5 , Hanchao shot with the LEICA M7/35mm f2.5, Mandy Yeung shot with the LEICA M9 /50mm f2.5 and Xue Tan shot with LEICA MP/ 28mm f2.8.
Top 20 Shortlisted entries and Top 5 winners
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
We also received some great coverages in the Hong Kong and Beijing press. I’ve highlighted the English coverages.
Full details on the Leica project on the Swire Hotels Blog: here, here and here.
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