PR Tag

I've had many conversations with friends, prospects and clients on WHERE to begin when the area of PR and communications is completely alien when your skill sets lie completely out of this arena. So here's a quick checklist on questions to ask yourself as you formulate...

This is a topic that has been thrown back and forth, but never resolved.  There was the high profile Singapore Lady Ironchef  blogger making a scene at a restaurant over free meals for him and his uninvited friends and then not too long ago in Hong Kong...

Sorry for the blogging silence. I've been travelling and buried under too much work and contemplating many new ideas as well as working on a new website design re-launch. Stay tuned! I was most recently back home in Singapore. Having been away for 10 years, I...

This is such a great PR stunt for Singapore, which is current and relevant trying to address the dying delicious trade of good hawker food - in in recent days, divert away from the haze woes. Additionally, such a great opportunity for the Singapore Tourism...

On BBC: Short Stays from Juliana Loh on Vimeo.   Five years ago, a story I submitted about bedsheets was shortlisted for BBC Radio 4's afternoon reading programme. Next week, my amateur short film footage will be featured on BBC Fast Track along side the string of...


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